A Quest for Fame

“The man crept along the stone passage, armour clicking and clacking as he fought the knock of his knees. Pulling his spear and shield close, he swallowed and tried to ignore the rising heat as the sweat trickled down his spine.

No turning back now.

His sabatons sent coins and jewels skittering, but he kept his eyes up, away from the gold and treasure. Even as piles of the stuff rose around him, he scanned the place, wide eyed beneath the visor.

This was nothing, anyway. His brother had a bigger horde at home.”

How much can a man take?

The world can be cruel, but family can be crueller still, and after years of poking and prodding, of snide jabs and stinging comments… well, it might lead you to do something rash.

And everyone’s second best to a dragon slayer…

1,500 Words

Submitted to the The Elmbridge Literary Competition 2023/24 ‘Fame’

A Quest for Fame was “Commended”, and has now been published on the The RC Sherriff Trust website!




Risky Business